
What are the major changes that came with the new MOT tests post Brexit?

There has been a lot of noise about the MOT and Brexit
and the changes that would be taking place because of a connection between the
two. Post the largest part of the population screaming about scrapping the MOT
test, it was decided that the test would stay but it would be improved so that
is was more relevant and encompassed the different vehicles that were plying on
the roads in this day and age.

A new test was recently rolled out and
there were a couple of changes that were made to it, as compared to the tests
that people were going through in the previous years. Some of the major changes
made to the test were:

The new MOT system added a brilliant rating system for vehicles going through it. Each aspect of the cars being examined was rated separately. This meant vehicle owners would know which parts of their car needed maintenance or improvement and which ones were good. Depending on the severity of the vehicle, or various aspects of it, owners would clear or fail the test. There are some elements of the car that have to be fixed before the vehicle can clear the test and there are others that do not have to be fixed immediately.

The various levels of the test are ‘dangerous’ and major which are two of the negative extremes.   If any of the tests handled on your vehicle falls in these categories, you would have to get them rectified before the vehicle clears the MOT test. ‘Minor’ implies that there is something wrong with the vehicle, the vehicle can pass the test but the issue will be rectified immediately after. On the positive extreme of the spectrum, you have ‘advisory’ and ‘pass’ where one states that the vehicle will get through the test and the other means that it would need to fix the issue sometime in the future but it isn’t anything major.

The previous MOT test focused mainly on the engine.
The test revolved around keeping roadworthy, safe and cars that met the
pollution requirements, on the road. However, the new test was also focusing on
reducing accidents caused due to mechanical failure. This means that they
checked the brakes of cars and made sure that they were accurate and sharp.
Even the threadings on the tires were checked thoroughly.

A lot of the tests that were being handled on cars
were only relevant to the older ones, however, the new rules stated that new
cars had to maintain features that they came with, even if they weren’t present
on the older cars that were tested. Day time running lights and reverse lights
weren’t present on all cars but the new ones that have them have to make sure
they are functional at the time that they go in for their MOT test.

Additional changes have also been made to the test
allowing the cars that come through their MOT to be sure that they are safe on
the road.

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