Watson Clinic Foundation Announces Community Lectures & Special Events in December

Lakeland, FL — Watson Clinic Foundation is pleased to announce the following upcoming lectures and special events occurring in the month of December. These events are free of charge, but seating is limited. Light refreshments will be provided. Please reserve your spot in advance by using the RSVP phone number as noted below or by visiting www.WatsonClinic.com/Events.
Date: Friday, December 13 from 3 to 5 pm
Topic: Tools to Quit. Take the next step to a healthier lifestyle and join us for a special class designed to provide an overview of available options for smokers who want to quit. The class includes information on various types of nicotine replacements, product samples and much more. This class is taught by a certified tobacco education specialist and is sponsored by the Watson Clinic Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting community wellness through education, research and service.
Location: Watson Clinic Cancer & Research Center, Boardroom, 1730 Lakeland Hills Blvd. in Lakeland
RSVP: 863-904-2656 or online at WatsonClinic.com/Events

Date: Monday, December 16 from 5:30 – 6:30 pm (check in begins at 5 pm)
Speaker: Joachim A. Benitez, MD
Topic: Overcoming Stress, Grief and Depression: What Really Works. In this free informative lecture presented by the Watson Clinic Foundation, board-certified Watson Clinic Psychiatrist Dr. Joachim A. Benitez will discuss methods for finding peace and empowerment during the grieving process.
Location: Watson Clinic Main, Library, 1600 Lakeland Hills Blvd. in Lakeland
RSVP: 863-904-2656 or online at WatsonClinic.com/Events
ABOUT THE WATSON CLINIC FOUNDATION, INC: Founded in 1960, the mission of the Watson Clinic Foundation is to promote community wellness through education, research, and service. The Foundation works tirelessly to help various organizations deliver healthcare to the community and nurture the latest and most exciting developments in research, and they’ve long conducted education outreach efforts, such as annual health summits, various lecture events and their acclaimed Speaker’s Bureau series. For more information on the Foundation, visit www.WatsonClinic.com/wcf.
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