The Women’s Resource Center Presents BeingWE (Being Women Empowered)


A Leading-edge Guided Conversation Series for
Women by Women
October 29, December 3, and
January 23
Participants will inquire into what it
means to be an
empowered woman in the 21st century.
FL) Women are natural-born leaders. Yet, many
feel overwhelmed by attempting to juggle life’s demands and have it all—home,
family and career. How to balance work and home life? The Women’s Resource
Center will explore these issues with BeingWE (Being Women Empowered), a guided
conversation series for women by women, created by Keren Lifrak, an area-based
entrepreneur and real estate professional. “Smart, capable, talented, funny,
fascinating women around the world experience the same frustrations and share
the same victories,” says Lifrak. “What will start with an inquiry will lead to
an open conversation, guided by a variety of relevant topics and facilitated in
an empowering way.”
The series launches with three sessions (and three
more will be announced): The Superwoman Badge (Thursday, October 29); Women
in Business: Creating What’s Possible Against All Odds (Tuesday,
December 3); and Follow Your Bliss: How Our Brains Are Uniquely Wired to
Take Action (Thursday, January 23). Each session is 4:30-7:30 p.m., and all
genders are welcome to participate. The fee per session is $25, with a sliding
scale available. To register, visit
Lifrak says that participants will “inquire into
what it means to be an empowered woman in the 21st century. We’ll uncover
myths, share commonalities, and discover valuable tools and practices that
provide clarity, freedom, and inspire us all.
BeingWE is a space where we get to step into the author role in our own
life, rather than reacting to a life given to us by our environment or
conditions. We get to redefine our
potential as women and leaders.”
She adds that by collaborating with the Women’s
Resource Center, “our aim is to create a space where women acknowledge each
other and our shared struggles. We listen and learn from the women
participating in the conversation as the heroes and leaders we are—while also
allowing for being vulnerable and authentic. That’s what real courage is, and
that’s where a real opportunity arises for a shift in our experience and owning
our power.”
Ashley Brown, president and CEO of Women’s
Resource Center, explains that “more than
ever, women are taking the lead in conversations about change, empowerment and our
role in supporting and mentoring each other in those efforts. It is great that
WRC has the ability to open our doors for programs like BeingWE.”
About the Women’s Resource Center
For more than 37 years, the Women’s Resource Center
has been dedicated to engaging, educating, enriching and empowering women of
all generations and socioeconomic levels. Today, WRC serves thousands of women
and families in Manatee and Sarasota counties. Its vision is to provide unique
strategies and programs that strengthen women through life’s transitions and
provide balance, confidence and determination, which not only meet their
immediate needs, but also provide hope for the future. To learn more, visit
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