
The Rise of Skywalker’ Come True


Bob Iger Lauded for Making Dying Man's Wish to See 'Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker' Come True
WENN/Tony Forte

Staffs at Rowans Hospice in Hampshire, England have been left speechless by the Disney chief for following through on a pledge to screen the new ‘Star Wars’ film early for their terminally ill patient.

Disney chief Bob Iger has been praised by those caring for a dying man after following through on a pledge to screen the new “Star Wars” film early for him.

Staff at Rowans Hospice in Hampshire, England reached out to Iger and Disney earlier this week, November 25, with their appeal for an early screening of latest instalment, “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker“, for the terminally ill fan and his son backed by leading man Mark Hamill.

Mark Hamill supported Rowans Hospice

Mark Hamill encourages Rowans Hospice to contact Disney

Iger tweeted on Wednesday that he would do his best to get the film to the Hospice, and on Thursday, gave the “Star Wars” devotee a Thanksgiving present.

He tweeted: “On this Thanksgiving, we at @Disney are grateful to be able to share #TheRiseOfSkywalker with a patient and his family @RowansHospice. May the force be with you and with us all!”.

Hospice staff responded by writing: “Mr Iger, I wish we had the words to sum up what it means to the patient, the family & us. Everyone we spoke to at @Disney were as eager to make this happen as we were. Thank you. Happy Thanksgiving to you, your family & your colleagues. May the force be with you”.

Rowans Hospice replied to Bob Iger

Rowans Hospice thanks Bob Iger for what he did

Lisa Davies, a healthcare support worker, who initially brought the patient’s wish to the attention of the rest of the staff at Rowans, told the BBC she was “utterly speechless” at the news.

“We totally appreciate that Disney have had to move mountains to make this happen,” she said. “The response from everyone, including the “Star Wars” community, has been absolutely phenomenal over the last few days. We also want to thank the media for covering the story and totally respecting the privacy of the family”.

“Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” is out on December 19.