
Spartans Join Fight Versus Cancer

TAMPA, Fla. – The University of Tampa’s athletic department is set to join forces with the National Association of Basketball Coaches (NABC) and the American Cancer Society in their fight against cancer. For over 25 years, the NABC and ACS have combined their efforts in the fight to end cancer through a program called, Coaches vs. Cancer. 

The 3-Point Challenge concept was founded by a former collegiate basketball coach named Norm Stewart. Coach Stewart is a cancer survivor who “provided the vision and inspiration” for the program, as he challenged fans to pledge a dollar amount per made three-pointer. In 2017, the “Coaches vs. Cancer 3-Point Challenge” went nationwide and thousands of coaches participate in this fundraiser. 

Help us beat cancer on the court by pledging a dollar amount for every 3-pointer we make from February 1-March 10. Beginning on Saturday, the Spartans will have a nine-game stretch where you can help defeat a common enemy – cancer. The fight isn’t over, and we need you on our team.

For more information about the Coaches vs. Cancer program, please visit

For more information on the 3-Point Challenge, please visit

If you would like to support this cause, head to to pledge your dollar amount. 

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