
Sarasota County redistricting open houses start Sept. 18

SARASOTA COUNTY – Sarasota County is hosting a series of five open houses on redistricting starting Sept. 18, providing citizens with the opportunity to view alternative district maps, give feedback through a survey and submit conceptual ideas for district boundaries.  

Citizens who can’t make it to the open houses, which will be held in each of the five districts, will also be able to provide their input online with a survey starting Sept. 18. The survey will remain active through Oct. 1. The survey will be available at

The open houses will be held 5-7 p.m. at the following locations: 

Wednesday, Sept. 18Betty J. Johnson North Sarasota Public Library
2801 Newtown Blvd., Sarasota 

Thursday, Sept. 19Frances T. Bourne Jacaranda Public Library4143 Woodmere Park Blvd., Venice 

Monday, Sept. 23Selby Public Library1331 1st St., Sarasota 

Wednesday, Sept. 25Gulf Gate Public Library7112 Curtiss Ave., Sarasota 

Monday, Sept. 30Shannon Staub Public Library4675 Career Lane, North Port For more information, call the Sarasota County Contact Center at 941-861-5000 or visit

Sarasota County prohibits discrimination in all services, programs or activities.  View the complete policy at (keywords ADA compliance). 

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