
Plasma-Therm announces cooperation with Everspin Technologies Inc.

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. October 1, 2019 — Everspin Technologies, Inc. has entered into an agreement with Plasma-Therm, allowing Everspin to use the 8-inch Pinnacle Ion Beam Etch System for advanced STT-MRAM materials and etch development in conjunction with their Chandler 8-inch facility. 

Everspin’s V.P of Technology R&D, Dr. Sanjeev Aggarwal, stated, “We have added the capability of ion beam etch processing by integrating the Pinnacle IBE tool with our in-house MRAM manufacturing capabilities for time and cost effective STT-MRAM development. The Pinnacle tool shows excellent results in our work together so far. This capability complements well the work being done with our 12-inch development and manufacturing partners.” 

Abdul Lateef, Plasma-Therm’s CEO, said, “The joint development work we are doing with Everspin reinforces our guiding philosophy that to be a truly global leader of technology we must innovate in partnership with our customers. Everspin’s technology is advancing the capability of memory and we are proud to be associated with them.” 

About Everspin Technologies, Inc. 

Everspin Technologies, Inc. is the world’s leading provider of Magnetoresistive RAM (MRAM), delivering unprecedented performance, non-volatility, endurance and reliability for applications where data persistence is paramount. Headquartered in Chandler, Arizona, Everspin is transforming the memory market with the largest and most diverse foundation of MRAM customers. For more information, visit (NASDAQ: MRAM) 

About Plasma-Therm 

Plasma-Therm LLC is a manufacturer of leading plasma etch, deposition, and advanced packaging equipment for specialty semiconductor and nanotechnology markets. Plasma-Therm’s plasma-processing and advanced-packaging solutions are used in research, pilot manufacturing, and volume production of wireless, photonics, solid state lighting, MEMS/NEMS, data storage and other devices. Learn more at 

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