
Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources volunteers win statewide award


SARASOTA COUNTY – Longtime Sarasota County Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources volunteers, Fred and Grace Whitehouse, have won the 2019 Florida Recreation and Park Association Voluntary Service Award.
This prestigious award recognizes the Whitehouses for their exemplary volunteer service to the field of parks of recreation. Over nine years, Fred and Grace have expanded the Phillippi Farmhouse Market from 19 vendors to over 50 local vendors and coordinated with non-profit organizations such as Suncoast Blood Bank and the Humane Society of Sarasota County to have a presence at the market. Under their advocacy, the market has also contributed over $192,000 towards renovations of the historic Keith Farmhouse.
“We are so proud of the volunteer service that Fred and Grace Whitehouse provide to the community,” said Parks, Recreation and Natural resources Director Nicole Rissler. “Their work over the last nine years has been both humbling and inspiring. Fred and Grace are truly deserving of this service award.”
Grace also spends time working with the Community Foundation of Sarasota County to promote park systems and provide analytic support to the foundation’s Giving Partners program, which provides funding for parks projects and other community programs. Additionally, Grace manages the Siesta Key Memorial Paver program and is the Treasurer for Friends of Sarasota County Parks. Fred also manages the Venice North Jetty Memorial Fish program.
For more information, call the Sarasota County Contact Center at 941-861-5000 or visit
Sarasota County prohibits discrimination in all services, programs or activities.  View the complete policy at (keywords ADA compliance). 


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