
New Ghost Tour in St. Petersburg starting Oct. 4

Have you heard about the Lady in Red that haunts a local music hall? Or the mummy’s ghost that roams the halls of a local museum? Or the famous baseball players from the past, still practicing at one of the oldest baseball parks in the US, right here in St. Petersburg? If not, you want to take the newly launched bus tour, Shadows in the Sunshine! 

This tour will be on an air conditioned bus that travels around the city. This allows for a more relaxed and intimate setting since each tour can seat up to 14 people. Plus, the content combines St. Petersburg history and the hidden haunts. Led by a professor, local artist, and 22 year paranormal investigator, Dr. Brandy Stark, these tours will focus on the lesser-known ghost stories of the area. Participants can disembark and walk through one haunted venue as well.

Tours start at 6 PM and last approximately 90 minutes. Cost is $25 per person with a limit of 14 people per tour. Seats must be reserved with Paradise Tours (Joy Harlow).

Text or phone: 727-417-8036 
For more information on Brandy Stark/SPIRITS of St. Petersburg, please go to

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Come out and enjoy the sights (and spooks) of St. Petersburg!

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