“Moving Toward Hope”
Tampa, FL – A garbage bag. It’s handed to you and you’re
told to put all your belongings in it. Do it quickly and then get ready to
leave. That’s the scenario many children face in the foster care system, and it
can be one that is faced several times in a short time span. To bring attention
to the thousands of children in the Tampa Bay area seeking a permanent, loving
home, several groups came together to create a public service video, Moving
Toward Hope.
To heighten
awareness of the children hoping for adoption, and reach out for advocates to
encourage and speak for foster children, a collaborative effort was created,
and funding secured through a grant from the Hobbs Foundation. The Heart Gallery
of Tampa, Voices for Children (supporter and partner of the Guardian ad Litem
program in Hillsborough), and No Off Switch productions developed a visual way
to speak to the community. The multiple placements, and the hope, of these
children can be seen at www.movingtowardhope.org
Children enter the
foster care system after having been abused, abandoned or neglected.
Hillsborough County has more children in the dependency system than any other
part of Florida, with the combined count of Pinellas and Pasco Counties
following as a close second. It’s a race that area agencies would love to fall
behind in.
“We were in need of an urgent and
captivating message to draw attention to our brave children waiting in foster
care with hopes of finding their forever family,” said
Heart Gallery of Tampa Executive Director Amanda Page-Zwierko. “The partnership
of the Heart Gallery, Voices for Children, and No Off Switch, along with the
generosity of the Hobbs Foundation, has produced a quick, but lingering message
about our children,” added Tabitha Lambert, Circuit Director, Hillsborough
County Guardian ad Litem Program. The video is supported by a targeted digital
campaign which has already brought in new interest to adoption orientations and
Guardian ad Litem information sessions. [AP1]
Gallery of Tampa raises awareness of waiting foster children, engages the
community in their welfare, and secures permanent, loving adoptive families.
This is often done through video profiles which No Off Switch productions has
made possible for many years. The Guardian ad Litem program and Voices for
Children train and support advocates to encourage children and provide a voice for
them in court. The HOBBS Foundation promotes social responsibility by providing
funding opportunities to non-profit organizations supporting abused, abandoned
and neglected children in the Tampa Bay community.
Include only i [AP1]f
you agree that we should acknowledge the marketing campaign. This could
probably be worded better also.
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