
Identity Fusion, Inc announces it has been named an Accredited Delivery Partner (ADP) with ForgeRock

ADP is the highest level of partner recognition from ForgeRock

Tampa, Florida, USA, Sept. 17, 2017; Identity Fusion, Inc, one of the nation’s leading IAMS/Cybersecurity consulting and software firms has announced that they have been named a
ForgeRock ADP Partner.

As one of ForgeRock’s closest and most reliable partners, Identity Fusion has differentiated itself from
others by achieving every level of status and recognition offered by ForgeRock. “This dedication to
excellence sets Identity Fusion apart from other IAMS organizations. Our best practices are the standard by which many organizations design, deploy and operate their IAMS environments. This honor from ForgeRock further establishes our unwavering commitment to excellence and client success.” Said Scott Heger, Co-Founder of Identity Fusion.

ForgeRock Accredited Delivery Partners

“ForgeRock believes that customer success is the highest priority in our business. Our approach to
ensuring delivery of successful projects is simple: work with the best services partners, and provide
those partners with the best training, certifications, accreditation and project support.
In order to help our customers choose the right partner for their project, we have recently created a new category of partner within the ForgeRock Trust Network: Accredited Delivery Partner (ADP).
Customers selecting an Accredited Delivery Partner do so because they want the assurance that their
implementation will be designed and deployed by consultants who have training and experience with the latest versions of the ForgeRock Identity Platform; that their knowledge is backed up by certification; that the partner has a good record of project success; and that the organization is working in close partnership with the deployment support services teams at ForgeRock.”

Partners will be assessed annually for the new ADP status.

“Since first opening our doors, Identity Fusion has been focused on enabling our clients to meet their
IAMS goals with industry leading best practices and technology solutions. Identity Fusion being
recognized with ForgeRock as the top-level ADP status is an honor and shows our continued dedication to high customer satisfaction and commitment to continued business and technical excellence,” said Bill Nelson, Co-Founder of Identity Fusion.

There are four criteria involved in meeting ADP Status:
• Currency: Is ForgeRock solution knowledge current / up to date? Extent to which partner can
show recent engagement with ForgeRock delivery projects
• Coverage: Ability of partner to demonstrate core skills training across the breadth of the product
portfolio, and across the geographic region defined in the partner agreement
• Consultants: ForgeRock Certification and ForgeRock Accreditation to prove depth of technical
• Customer Success: Extent to which partner can reference successful deployments;

This is a new status category for ForgeRock partner. This category will soon be reflected in the
ForgeRock Partner Directory

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