
How Watching Movies Helps Learners Improve Their English


There are many ways to learn English. Books, exercises, tutoring, communication with native speakers, and active traveling contribute to the knowledge of the English language. However, if the most efficient methods are unavailable, one should find more extravagant but still reliable ways to learn. Many people pay attention to movies, not without a reason. This post was written by a group of professional writers from EssayLib essay writing company which will tell you about five of them.

At first, here are some advantages of the movies, compared with other ways to conceive the language aspects:

  • Movies are short. The whole book or a complicated story lasts for about a couple of hours. Reading or course of lessons takes more time.
  • Movies are available. The price for the Netflix account or a copy of the DVD is not big. Many movies are free. 
  • Movies are more interesting than textbooks. The scientists have already proven that memory works better in connection with strong emotions. 

As you can see, movies have become a part of the education process. They became a part of many online courses. Modern English manuals refer to them. We can consider them both a significant part of the culture and a way to learn. There are many other ways to learn effectively and complete tasks. For example, an online English essay writing service can assist with academic assignments. So, how a movie can help you with English?

The Movie is a Great Source of English Language

The movie industry includes thousands of talented plot writers, acting masters, and people with flawless speech. A movie is a video with excellent pronunciation, grammar, and logic in the dialogues. You can notice that the majority of teachers and tutors recommend watching movies to get an example of perfect English application. Mostly, they refer to the cinema of the golden age of Hollywood. Watch a couple of classical American or British films to learn how to speak well.

The Movie is a Good Cultural Context

Every talented English teacher or linguist will tell that learning the language is worthless without learning its history or cultural background. That is why traveling into a country of the language you study boosts your progress so much. If we consider a movie a window to a foreign country, it might become a support for your learning. Here are some details:

  • In a movie, you can learn how a word is used in a live speech. Any dictionary or textbook can transit a proper intonation, the lexical meaning, and the implication of a particular word. 
  • Along with books, movies are a good source of phraseologies and catchy phrases. They also give the context for understanding them.
  • A movie shows the culture that uses one or another word. A learner can track its history, the reasons to appear, and the reasons to disappear. 

To say more, contemporary cinematography is the way to learn modern and alive speech that Americans and Bretons use every day. 

Immediate Translation

It is easy to find a movie with subtitles or translations. They might not be pretty exact. The translators try to adopt the realities, phrases, and specific words to the realities of a target language. However, watching a movie with subtitles helps you to get an instant translation. Along with pronunciation, a movie becomes a powerful mechanism for creating a learner’s dictionary. To use this advantage effectively, you need to turn on the “efficient watching” mode:

  1. Write down all the phrases from the movie unfamiliar to you. 
  2. Using the translation or subtitles, get an adequate translation for them. 
  3. Use the dictionary to check if the translation is adequate. 
  4. Hear how a character pronounces the word. 
  5. Combine the knowledge, and you get a word, a context, proper pronunciation, and spelling.

This activity is way more effective than rewriting. It might substitute communication with a real speaker. 

Movies Give Inspiration to Learning

Have you ever noticed that learning English on boring examples or something very unfamiliar is less effective? Indeed, the whole process comes slower when the material cannot catch you. Movies come as a good alternative. To learn English, you can pick your favorite genre or find movies that tell you about something you like. If you are fond of comic books, you will memorize many catchy phrases from Marvel films, along with their translation. 

It helps to solve another problem of English studying. We speak about professional English. Like in any other language, English of professional spheres, occupations, and trades is difficult to learn and teach. There are not so many textbooks, and the tradition of professionally-oriented linguistics is not deep. Many people require special knowledge of work and professional communication. Movies can help. Some many episodes or movies tell about professionals or use specific concepts. Recall the episodes “IT crowd” or “Scrubs”, that tell much about the IT and medical spheres correspondingly. 

Movies are Always by Hand

For a newbie, it is difficult to acquire all the information at once. The lessons pass. It is difficult to ask a tutor to return to a troubling topic without additional time and money wasting. It will be awkward to ask an interlocutor to discuss a topic you have talked about a day before. Movies are more comfortable. Once you have paid or downloaded them, you can watch them as many times as you need. They will not disappear or change the text inside.

Movies are a reliable way to learn English. They have many advantages compared to other sources. The best way to learn English is to combine the methods. Add some movies into your lessons, and do not forget about speaking and writing. 


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