
Attorney Ilyas Sayeg promoted to partner at Maglio Christopher & Toale, P.A.

Attorney Ilyas Sayeg Promoted to Partner at MCTLaw

Attorney Ilyas Sayeg Promoted to Partner at Maglio Christopher & Toale, P.A.

Sarasota, FL (December 16, 2019) — The announcement came during the annual law firm meeting, held at the law firm’s Washington, DC office. Managing partner Altom Maglio presented Mr. Sayeg with the honor, speaking about Ilyas’ belief in holding himself and others to high ethical standards in the practice of law, his commitment to clients, and the atmosphere of teamwork Sayeg brings to the firm.

Mr. Sayeg, a complex litigation attorney, represents clients who suffer devastating injuries from defective metal on metal hip replacements. He started at the firm in 2012 and has been an integral part of its growth and leadership in the national metal on metal hip litigation.

Sayeg is Maglio, Christopher, & Toale’s lead trial attorney in upcoming high profile trials against Zimmer Biomet, scheduled to begin in May of 2020.

“Ilyas always puts his clients’ best interests first,” says managing partner Altom Maglio, on naming Mr. Sayeg a firm partner. “He aggressively fights on their behalf in high profile cases against corporations like Johnson & Johnson and Zimmer-Biomet, but it’s his dedication to doing what’s right for his clients that make him such an accomplished attorney.”

Mr. Sayeg is active with the Sarasota County Bar Association (SCBA), where he served on the executive board of the Young Lawyers Division and presently serves on the executive board of the Council for Diversity and Inclusion. Mr. Sayeg received the SCBA’s President’s Award for outstanding leadership in the creation of the Council for Diversity and Inclusion. He serves on the board of directors for My Warrior’s Place, a retreat providing hope and healing for veterans and their families, and he mentors students in Booker High School’s law academy.

“It’s an honor to be named partner,” says Mr. Sayeg. “I’m proud to earn this accomplishment and proud of this firm’s commitment to ethics on behalf of our clients.”


Maglio Christopher & Toale, P.A. is a national complex litigation law firm based in Sarasota, FL with offices in Washington, DC and Seattle, WA. Our attorneys represent people across the United States in the following practice areas: Metal on metal hip litigation, defective medical device litigation, vaccine injury compensation, medical product whistleblower cases, rails to trails property rights, commercial & construction litigation, mediation and arbitration.

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