
Arts Advocates Launch Annual Lecture Series

 Inaugural “Speaking of the Arts …” lecture November 13 will feature Marin Alsop, the first female music director of the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, presenting “Adventures On and Off the Podium”

SARASOTA, FL – Arts Advocates will debut its “Speaking of the Arts …” lecture series, with conductor Marin Alsop presenting “Adventures On and Off the Podium,” November 13, 2019, 7:00 p.m., at the Art Ovation Hotel, 1255 N. Palm Avenue in Sarasota. Tickets, available through, are $75 for Arts Advocates members, $85 for non-members, and $125 for patrons who wish to enjoy preferred seating and a champagne reception with Alsop. 

“Speaking of the Arts …” is designed to be an annual town hall-style lecture series, informing its audience about all types of art in new and unexpected ways. Alsop, the first female music director of the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, will engage the audience with stories from her career including her triumphs and challenges. She said, “I am excited to share my wide range of experiences with such an enthusiastic Sarasota audience.”  

Donna Maytham, president of Arts Advocates, stated, “Marin Alsop is passionate about music and its place in ordinary lives. She is an example of someone who has been a leading advocate for including music education in elementary and secondary schools throughout the country. She is also an outstanding example of a talented and determined woman who broke through the glass ceiling where all symphony conductors were traditionally male.” 

Alsop was the first conductor to be named a MacArthur “Genius” Fellow. She is one of Leonard Bernstein’s best known pupils, the artistic director of the Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra, and is the director of graduate conducting studies at Johns Hopkins University’s Peabody Conservatory. In Baltimore, she has generated vibrant community support of the orchestra through the creation of ORCHkids, an education initiative that provides music education, instruments, and mentorship to more than 1,000 kids; and through several adult programs including a summer fantasy camp and a biannual “Rusty Musicians” event. Alsop has been profiled in TIME and named one of “America’s Most Powerful Women” by Newsweek. She can be heard as a commentator on NPR’s “Marin on Music.” 

The James and Maryann Armour Family Foundation is the title sponsor for Marin Alsop. Event sponsors include Art Ovation Hotel and the Sarasota Orchestra. 

For more information about “Speaking of the Arts …” and Arts Advocates, visit or call 941-330-0680. 


The Fine Arts Society of Sarasota, Inc. Arts Advocates, founded in 1969 as The Fine Arts Society of Sarasota, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Its mission is to inspire creativity, advance education and connect the community to the arts. Arts Advocates awards scholarships to local students pursuing careers in the arts; supports local arts and educational organizations and sponsors art-related events; and promotes the creative works of Florida artists by purchasing, collecting, exhibiting and presenting these works to residents and visitors. To learn more, visit

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